Low Carb Anniversary or the Anniversary of Saving my Life
The fourth edition of Diabetes Solution, by Dr. Richard Bernstein from 2011, still well worn and loved.
June 2nd is the day I celebrate. Many type 1 diabetics celebrate the day they were diagnosed. Well, way back 46 years ago nobody took notice of a day in April, or even the year. I had to retrace that I remember going back to school and talking with my friends in US History class to figure out the year, 1971. But 25 years later, after living with type 1 diabetes, on my own, 1 shot a day, and eating no sugar, ever, I was sick with unknown complications.
This may very well be the painting that I was modeling for, but we will never know. A funny thing memory is.
These complications were not on any List of Diabetes Complications, so how was I to know? Chronic tiredness, frozen shoulders, frozen hips, general body stiffness and a little depression. My friend, Liza Green, also a type 1 diabetic and also with frozen shoulder, mailed me a copy of an article by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein, published in Diabetes Health,. The article was all about how Frozen Shoulder is a complication of diabetes! I received the article sometime in May of 1996. At the end of the article there was a coupon for two cassette tapes of Dr. Bernstein explaining his method of blood sugar control. I sent off for it right away!
Thanks to Scotty Millay King for having these tapes and mailing me copies, since I had lost mine years ago. Scotty King was then the editor of Diabetes Interview, later named Diabetes Health.
On June 1st, 1996 received the tapes. At the time I was posing for a painting in my back yard as my husband was painting me. See picture. I set the tape player on the table and we both listened intently, knowing my life was going to change drastically. At the time I was fighting going on more than 1 shot a day. I was trying to figure out a way to heal type 1. Going on more shots would mean I was giving up the idea of healing. But I had been sick for a long, long time and didn't have any idea how to get better.
We listened to both tapes. There was enough information for me to get started. The very next day I started low carb, 30 grams of carbs a day and two new kinds of insulin and 5 shots a day. This is where my memory gets fuzzy. I'm not sure how I got new insulin, must have called my naturopath for these insulins, Ultra Llente and Humalog were available without prescriptions, I don't remember, but I know I began the Dr. Bernstein plan on my own, aided only by my husband, on June 2, 1996.
The frozen shoulders took a lot longer, with lots of physical therapy, but all the other complications cleared up as if by MAGIC. Truly! I was happy, cheerful. My children almost didn't recognize me. All my stiffness, depression and other frozen and painful joints disappeared. I was a new person.
My first edition of Diabetes Solution. Well worn and loved.
That was 21 years ago today.
Diabetes Solution by Dr. Bernstein was published in 1997 and I remember I bought it right away.
The first 7 years went by, my A1c's went between 4.9 to 5.3, After 7 years I thought about how I had wanted to heal, it was 2003 and I heard about the healing power of the raw vegan diet, so I decided to embark on another new diet chapter of my life. At first the raw diet looked promising. I was able to lower my insulin requirements, after fasting, so I'd be hopeful. Then my insulin requirements would climb and my blood sugars would be all over the place, up high and then low. I quit testing, I quit having my A1c done. I had so much hope I really would heal, I just kept fasting, getting colonics, losing weight. All my friends were warning me, but I thought I was doing great. It took 7 years of this roller coaster for me to realize that I was completely out of control. So on January 1, 2010 I rededicated myself to health and following Dr. B's plan.
Still posing and doesn't that look like Diabetes Solution on the table?
This time after 7 years of being a vegan I decided if I was going to eat meat, it would come from local farms that treated their animals well. And that my vegetables would also be locally raised, as would my eggs, butter and cheese. That's where I am today.
Latest a1c: 5.7, little higher than I would like, but I look forward to improvement
Latest eye exam shows no diabetic damage.
My health is great. I am a youthful 62 years old with 5 grandchildren and a bright, happy future.
Out running to to improve my A1c!