Eat Fat Eat Butter and Cauliflower Tater Salad
"High carbohydrate intake was associated with higher risk of total mortality, whereas total fat and individual types of fat were related to lower total mortality. Total fat and types of fat were not associated with cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular disease mortality, whereas saturated fat had an inverse association with stroke. Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings."
Beautiful local raw grassfed butter. You too can find raw local butter. Ask around at your local farmers market, someone will know.
This is a quote from The Lancet from an article they published on PURE, the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology Study. I ready the summary and even though it was fairy technical, the conclusion was pretty simple. We can eat Fat. A high carb diet increases death. A high fat diet increases life. Not only that, but eating saturated fat helps prevent stroke. Here's a link to the article:
I've been researching the high fat, low carb, moderate protein diet for years and have been following it, eating 85-100% locally grown food for over 7 years. I have never felt this good! So I knew it was working for me, but in the back of my mind I was wondering, is it really for everyone?
Ok, so now there's backup.
My new favorite recipe right before I add the last bit of Homemade Mayo. Cauliflower Tater Salad
Cauliflower Tater Salad
Break or cut 2 large hands of cauliflower into small bite sized pieces. Sauté the cauliflower in a cast iron skillet with a few Tablespoons of bacon fat that you've been saving from all that bacon you've been eating.
Boil 6 large yard eggs for 10 minutes. While they are cooking you will have plenty of time to prepare the other ingredients. if you add a Tablespoon of vinegar and a few pinches of salt to the water they will peel easier.
Slice about 6 green onions into small pieces and place in large bowl. Chop in large pieces 4 real fermented pickles and add. Chop the boiled eggs by slicing in both directions with a slicer or chopping by hand, with a knife.
Make the Mayo
Add to the blender: 1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt(I use Himalayan salt, but you can use your favorite) 2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar . And blend. Next measure in one glass measuring cup 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup MCT oil. Slowly pour the oil while the blender is still going. Voila! You've made mayonnaise! Once you know how you can add all sorts of fun spices or herbs or garlic to make delicious dips or salad dressings.
Add the mayo to the salad, maybe even all of it, I did. It's delicious.
Salt to taste.
This dish is a wonderful addition to any potluck. At the last potluck we had, we quickly ran out!
Here's a lunch we had recently, Cauliflower Tater Salad was really the main dish served with a pork/beef burger, with a tomato slice and a dollop of mayo and some butter Pesto as a dip for the radishes.
It was during this recent lunch that my husband, a potato salad lover, said Cauliflower Tater Salad is better than any potato salad! Success!
Eat with Pleasure!