My Trip to the Holistic Dentist

My long awaited dentist appointment! February 8,2022.

I love my new dentist! I’ve been wanting to go to a holistic dentist for many years. I had had a consultation with one an hour from my home, but the estimate for my case was $10,000! And that was way more than I was ready to shell out—-so it was put on the back burner for many years.

My friends, Anthony and Leslie told me about their wonderful dentist in Scottsdale, Arizona—-a little far, but, who knows—-they loved her. I saved her information with hope attached.

Things lined up beautifully and I was able to fly out from Maine to Scottsdale, for an appointment, stay at my sister-in-laws, in Mesa AZ. They are all very close together—-the cities kind of melt into each other, Phoenix—Mesa—Scottsdale and more.

Dr. Krystyna Wolski came highly recommended, like I said by my friends, I figure its always good to to get a hardy recommendation for something like a dentist!

Dr.Wolski is not only a dentist from Poland, but also an MD and a doctor of Homeopathy!

So, I go into the office, fill out a patient form with all the medical history, and then we meet. I’m laying down in the dentist chair—- she floats her hand over my body, in her other hand she has a bobbing stick, or dowsing rod. The stick moves up and down energetically while her hand passes over my head. Then it starts to slow way down as she heads down my throat and body. She measures my energy like this for a few minutes—— I Love this stuff! This experience is certainly very different than any other dentist appointment I’ve ever had!

She’s “reading my body’s energy”. The energy is slow or “blocked” over the location of my thyroid gland. No surprises there, my hair has been falling out a little bit. Lungs and stomach seem fine—-stick is bobbing nicely. Then down a little farther, she asks if I’ve had any surgeries, perhaps a cesarean? Uh, yes, 2! She informs me that where I was cut forms a major blockage and that I will not heal if I don’t get that scar unblocked. I seem to remember something about being “blocked” by that surgery, but didn’t know there was something that could be done about it to unblock it!

I agreed to the treatment, it was an additional $120, and I didn’t want to be blocked from healing and I was so damn curious by now!

Dr. Krystyna had me undo my pants to expose my scar and proceeded to inject lidocaine in several places along the scar, a scar that is 36 years and 31 years old. The injections went in at a very low angle and not very deep. When she finished she immediately asked me if I felt anything different, any shift in my energy. I wasn’t really sure, if I did, it was subtle, maybe I did feel it. I seemed to be feeling a lifting of a downward energy, so a releasing of a negative that continued for the rest of the day.

Next she started cleaning my teeth. Scraping off the “calculus” or tartar or plaque off my teeth. I have been avoiding dentists for about 14 years, so there was a lot of build up of calculus. It broke off in hard pieces that looked like broken pieces of china.

Before she started this process, before she even looked in my mouth, she had put her hand over my face and said, “Is this the tooth that is the problem?” She hadn’t looked in my mouth or at the X-ray I had brought. Yes the very broken tooth had to be extracted. Fourteen years ago that tooth had been infected, my body developed a systemic infection, low fever and achiness. At the time, my naturopath talked me into a root canal even though I knew a root canal was not a healthy choice and in hindsight I should’ve gotten the tooth pulled then. A root canal basically kills the tooth and then you have a dead tooth in your mouth, which is never a good idea. They drill out the root and put metal down where the root was and for some people root canals can cause serious illness. —— —— On a side note, my mom had had several root canal done at one time over several months and then became ill and was diagnosed with ALS and died 2 years later———- If you want to know more about health and dentistry read DR. Weston A. Price’s book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Or go to search article Root Cause.

Anyway, I reluctantly had the root canal done 14 years ago, and was fine. But a few years ago the tooth cracked and a big piece of the dead tooth broke off, fast forward a few years while on a trip with my husband, Dennis Perrin to teach painting workshops—- we were having a steak dinner and I bit down on something metal. I though it was something from the kitchen and we might get a free steak. I called out server over and showed her the metal thing I retrieved from my mouth and she said, I quote, “This looks like some kind of Dental work!” I said,”oh no! That’s my root canal!”

So—- I’ve had this dead broken, jagged tooth in my mouth for a long while. Dr. Domink Nichwitzor, @drdome on instagram, a holistic dentist in Germany who I follow on instagram had a recent post about how bad it is for your health to have root canals because you basically have a dead, rotting tooth in your mouth. Hence, after seeing that post I wanted to see this holistic dentist of Anthony and Leslie’s even more. Besides the 5 metal fillings containing the deadly metal, mercury, that I hadn’t mentioned that I also wanted to get removed and replaced with porcelain. You can read about amalgam fillings in a book, It’s All in Your Head by Hal Huggins.

Come to find out the metal fillings will have to wait for my next trip out to warm Arizona, because after my tooth extraction, I will have a big raw hole in my mouth, where my tooth was and we don’t want things like mercury to fall in the hole and be directly absorbed into my body, now do we? The hole will have to heal, so I will plan another trip out here next winter.

I asked Dr. Krystyna about my hands—- dupuytren contracture—-nine solidly bent fingers with hardened tendons in my palm and along my fingers. She thought for a moment and then asked if I know about comfrey. “Well Yes!” I said it grows out in the field and my husband used it on his hernia. We found these Comfrey Poultices on line, that he used for 10 days and it healed his hernia! And I still have some! She said, “Sleep with the poultice on your hands every night with gloves!” I said I can’t wear gloves,” “So, find mittens!”, she says. I am so excited about possibly healing my hands! Actually I had forgotten this conversation until I’m typing this right now! Website for the Comfrey Poultice . So, ill have to get right on that!

To be continued——

So I went back to Dr. Wolski 2 weeks later, meanwhile; walking in the AZ sunshine everyday; to have my tooth extracted to finish my teeth cleaning. This is when she told me I will have to go to a dentist to have my teeth cleaned every 3 months!

The scraping and cleaning was pretty rough and painful, I won’t lie! I kept wincing in pain. No offense, but Dr. Wolski is from Poland and her dentistry wasn’t the gentle type, to say the least. She is kind because she wants to help people not suffer with their health, but she is not gentle, there’s a difference. Then after the cleaning and scraping was finished she started on the extraction.

OMG! The tooth was broken in several pieces, every time she pulled one piece out, it was like having a whole tooth pulled, but then there was another piece. I didn’t count. I was braced for deep pain. I was in terror! There were at least 6-7 separate pieces each as bad as the first. I wished I could’ve passed out!

When she was finished with the pulling, the gum bled and bled, she packed it with gauze, which Dr. Wolski said to leave alone for a few hours. She then mixed a liquid homeopathic for the exact tooth that she had pulled. I was to take a dropper full every 15 minutes for a few hours, then once every hour for the rest of the day.

A note about Dr.Krystyna Wolski, she is the only one who works in her office, no dental hygienist, no receptionist, no staff to take insurance information, only her to do it all!

My niece picked me up and we headed to REI to get the Aquamira Water Treatment. I was instructed to put 3 drops of Part A and 3 drops of Part B in 2 ounces of water and rinse after I brush my teeth after every meal to cut down on plaque build up and to get my teeth cleaned every 3 months.

After I got home and rested for a few hours I took out the gauze, and my gum started to bleed profusely. I almost called Dr.Wolski but I didn’t want to bother her, so instead I repacked it with more gauze my sister-in-law had and bit down for another hour or two and the bleeding seemed to have stopped. At one point, I got up from resting in bed, to spit blood in the bathroom sink. I was a little scared! But, like I said it did finally stop.

My life is funny though…. I rested the whole remainder of the day and put on a Netflix movie to watch called Radium Girls—- about young women in the 1920’s working in a clock face factory, painting decorative clock faces with Radium before it was known to be harmful. The girls got very sick, because they licked their paint brushes to get the point on the paint brush. The movie showed one very sick girl spitting blood in the sink! This scene looked exactly like my experience of spitting blood in the sink. Cosmic coincidence! Anyway it was a very good movie about fighting for what you believe.

I did need to rest in bed for 2 days. I took a break from walking. I still ate my regular carnivore diet, mostly eggs and ground beef and butter just chewing on the other side of my mouth very carefully.

My face was swollen and bruised, I continued to take the homeopathic. I got the sniffles for 2 days so I took lots of droppers of Sovereign Silver, which I highly recommend anytime you think you might be coming down with something. I took a few droppers every time the sniffles would start—- it actually made the sniffles stop for a few hours and when they came back I would take a few more droppers. Amazing stuff!

So. I figured I might as well put Sovereign Silver on my gum too.

Now 2 weeks later I’m mostly healed, my face isn’t swollen but my gum is still soft and a bit swollen, but healing nicely.  I find myself eating slower, concentrating on carefully eating on the other side, eating my regular carnivore diet of an occasional steak, mostly burgers, butter, eggs and bacon.

Since I’m still traveling, I’m still drinking decaf Americanos and using a little stevia.

I want to say, I feel a stricter period coming up where I plan on eating only beef salt and water, still high fat for healing, just to see how I can improve my health and how low my insulin dose can go. Next blog will be featuring this said experiment.

Bye for Now,


P.S. oh! I forgot—Dr. Krystyna Wolski also lazered the growth off the inside of my lip caused from scarring from biting my lip, not chewing absentmindedly but accidentally several times. It was a nasty scar that could be seen when I talked. This was worth the whole trip for me! Yay!

April 20, 2022

And how am I feeling now? And was it worth it? I’m sure that’s what you want to know. I’m glad I made the trip, I loved walking in the sunshine of Arizona, I loved walking to the coffeehouse every day, I loved visiting with my family and I loved the experience with the dentist. I loved seeing the energy in my body make that stick bounce up and down. I love having the scar on the inside of my lip gone, and I love having the jagged tooth gone. Do I feel any different with my energy unblocked from the scar across my belly? Actually, I don’t know. I feel less afraid to take on new adventures. I feel more confident in who I am, but who’s to say if I would’ve felt that way if I hadn’t had the unblocking done. I can believe it if I want to.

“First, every day I would put all of my conscious attention on this intelligence within me and give it a plan, a template, a vision with very specific orders, and then I would surrender my healing to this greater mind that has unlimited power, allowing it to do the healing for me. And second, I wouldn’t let any thought slip by my awareness that I didn’t want to experience.” Dr.Joe Dispenza

PPS May 16,2022 I’ve since quit drinking coffee, and using stevia and I plan very soon to go strict carnivore, as in only beef, lamb, salt and water. I’ve been drinking hot water to replace the coffee and I find it pleasant enough. More on this in my next blog. Thank you for reading! Leave me a comment.